Welcome to Southend High School for Boys.
Please take time to read the information under 'Year 7 Admissions' and our Prospectus and Admissions Criteria to find out more about the admissions process into Year 7 at this school. The Prospectus gives more detailed information about the school curriculum, the school week and school uniform:
Prospectus and Admissions Criteria
Prospective applicants to Year 12 can find further information under 'Sixth Form Admissions'.
In-year application information and application form can be found under 'In-year Admissions'.
If you have any queries, please contact the Admissions Officer on admissions@shsb.org.uk
The School Week
The school session times are 8.30 am to 3.30 pm, although many activities continue after school. Pupils attend for a minimum of 35 hours per week; taught lesson time amounts to 25 hours per week. This conforms with the Department for Education (DfE) recommended time for pupils of secondary age.