The Government has determined the requirements of the National Curriculum including the extent of any flexibility and opportunity within the curriculum for 14-16 year olds; we have tried to reflect some of these features in the school's options process. However, we continue to encourage the learning of modern foreign languages and we place some other restrictions on choices. Our aim at school is to ensure an appropriate and balanced curriculum for each individual so that educational and careers needs are sensibly catered for during the Key Stage.

The Government has stated that the following subjects remain compulsory:

  • English (which leads to GCSE entries in English and English Literature)
  • Mathematics
  • Science (either Combined Science, leading to two GCSE awards or three separate GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics).

The school has decided that, in addition, pupils should study the following:

  • Modern Foreign Languages
  • RE

The remainder of their GCSE subjects can be chosen from those listed in the GCSE Course Prospectus:

Year 8 Options Booklet

Year 9 Options Booklet: