Please find below letters about trips, which have been sent to parents during the academic year 2023-24.

  1. A Level Politics Westminster Letter Sept 2024
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  2. GCSE Citizenship Westminster Letter Sept 2024
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  3. Berlin trip letter 2025
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  4. Italy May 2025
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  5. Tate Modern Visit
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  6. Drama trip to see Mrs Doubtfire
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  7. Space Academy 2025 Year 10 - Parent Invitation Letter
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  8. Year 12 Summer Science Exhibition at the Royal Society
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  9. Bingham Debating Competition Letter May 2024
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  10. Year 13 Physics trip to CERN, Geneva
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  11. Year 12 Maths Trip - Problem Solving - at the University of Essex
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  12. Year 10 Maths Trip to University of Essex
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  13. Neuro Ambassador Trip to St Chrisopher School
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  14. British Parliamentary Debating Letter May 2024
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  15. Year 12 UCAS Conference 2024
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  16. DofE April Expedition 2024
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  17. Royal Institution Briefings KS5 Trip Friday 26th April 2024
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  18. RI Lecture - It's a Gas
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  19. Year 10 University Visit June 2024
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  20. Ski Trip April 2025
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  21. Space Academy 2024 - Passport and trip form letter
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  22. Biology Juniper Hall Nov-24
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  23. NI Trip 2024 - Geographers' Letter
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  24. Esports semi final March 2024
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  25. Digital Schoolhouse Media Release Form Semis 2023-2024
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  26. Year 10 Maths Feast Competition March 2024
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  27. Year 9 and 10 Astronomy Club students trip to Royal Institution March 2024
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  28. Northern Ireland Citizenship Trip Nov 2024
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  29. ICYD Schools Debating Letter March 24
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  30. ESU Debating Competition March 2024 Regional Final
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  31. Psychology students trip to Cliffs Pavillion Nov 2024
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  32. Royal Institution Briefing - Yr 12 and 13 trip Monday 12th February
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  33. Year 12 Geography Trip change from Stratford to Brick Lane Feb 2024
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  34. DofE April and May 2024 Expedition letter
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  35. DofE April and May 2024 Expedition - Kit List
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  36. Cambridge Schools Debating Letter Feb 24
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  37. Oxford Schools Debating Competition Feb 24
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  38. Sixth Form Machinal Theatre Trip April 2024
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  39. Ski Trip Final letter Feb 2024
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  40. Ski Trip Feb 2024 Kit List
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  41. Media Release Form Regional DSH Esports Competition Feb 2024
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  42. Regional DSH Esports competition Feb 2024
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  43. NYDC 25 Trip Confirmation Letter Jan 24
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  44. Royal Institution trip for KS5 physics students April 2024
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  45. Stratford Year 12 Letter to parents
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  46. ESU debating Competition 18th Jan 2024 Round 2
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  47. InformationEvening_Geneva_ PARENT_Year 13 Science trip
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  48. NYDC 25 Trip All Year 12 Remaining Places
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  49. Music Concert Tour July 2024 - Deposit
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  50. NYDC 25 Trip Year 11 A Level Politics Option Places
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  51. Year 13 - Berlin Trip Final Details Jan 2024
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  52. Year 12 Politics trip to New York and Washington DC Feb 2025
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  53. Ski Trip Presentation 2024
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  54. Ski Trip Kit 2024
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  55. Neuro Ambassador trip May 2024
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  56. A Level Geography Field Trip to Brick Lane December 2023
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  57. Science Live Trip reminder
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  58. KS3 Science Live! Conference Year 9
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  59. Maths Inspiration trip for Years 12 and 13, December 2023
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  60. Oxford Trip
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  61. Information Evening Juniper Hall Biology Field Trip
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  62. English Speaking Union Competitions November 2023 Round 1
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  63. Year 10 Geography Trip to Epping Forest
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  64. Northern Ireland Final Details Letter Nov 2023
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  65. Year 13 Spanish students theatre trip, London Jan 2024
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  66. KS5 Royal Institution Lecture
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  67. Peru Reunion Meal Letter Dec 23
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  68. Ardeche Activity Trip- Parents Information Evening April 2024
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  69. Year 12 Walton on the Naze Geography Trip Nov 2023
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  70. Year 13 trip to Berlin 2024
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  71. Years 11 and 12 - World Challenge 2025
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  72. Brentwood School Model United Nations November 2023
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  73. Year 10 Space Academy trip July 2024
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  74. Year 11 Geography Trip letter October 2023
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  75. Year 10 Art trip letter October 2023
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  76. Year 10 Space Academy , Belgium 2024 - Invitation Letter
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  77. Year 11 Trip to Science Live at the Dominion Theatre
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  78. Year 13 Berlin Trip Instalment Confirmation Letter
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  79. Years 11 12 and 13 Trip to Prince Edward Theatre to see Dear England
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  80. Year 11 12 and 13 Trip to the Lyric Theatre to see Hadestown
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  81. Year 10 and 11 Northern Ireland September 2023 Letter
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  82. Biology Juniper Hall NOV 23 second final call
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  83. Biology Juniper Hall Nov 23 final call Sep
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  84. Berlin 2024 Year 13 History and Politics students
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  85. Geo - Yr 9 Belfairs Sept and Oct 2023
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  86. A Level Physics trip to Cern 2024 instalment letter
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  87. Years 10 and 11 Life of Pi Theatre Trip October 2023
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  88. Amsterdam Trip Itinerary (Briefing)
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  89. Amsterdam trip Parent Briefing
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  90. The Woman in Black Trip Year 9 Oct 2023
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  91. A Level Physics trip to Cern - deposit-interest 2024
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  92. Year 13 Biology trip to Juniper Hall Nov 23 deposit letter
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  93. Northern Ireland 2023 instalment letter
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  94. Ski 2024 instalment letter
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  95. Year 12 Northern Ireland 2023 Letter
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  96. Northern Ireland 2023 Letter - Geographers
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  97. Othello Globe Oct 2023 letter
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  98. Ski Trip Deposit letter 2024
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  99. Northern Ireland interest-deposit 2023 Letter
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  100. Ardeche instalment letter
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  101. Ardeche alteration letter
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  102. Tick_awareness_poster
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  103. Italy Activity Holiday Interest Letter
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